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KIST Talk/사내직원기자

Scientist, Music ver. - 5th, Galileo Galilei - The expansion of idea's method


Hello everyone, this is DJ Mi-Hyun.
It's time for your stretch for spring.
As I see calender's turning, new season comes without fail.
Feeling that, I find out I, myself is a part of our universe's circulation.

Circulation and repetition.
Like the universe's repetition, spring comes after winter, son follows father.
Here is the scientist who found and made sure of his own theory based on music.

It is Galileo Galilei who I'm going to talk about.
 He was born in Firenze, Italy in 1564, family of small scale of aristocratic.
His father, Vicenzo, as a great artist and music theoretician at the same time, without exception in music history.
And Vicenzo put direct influence on his firstborn son, Galileo Galilei
in music and mathematical aspects.

After that, Galileo Galilei found out the isochronism and the theory of motion of free fall. Also he made telescope, which was almost a revolution in astronomy.
He was an astronomer, physician, mathematician who was the father of experimental physics.
Once, he was on the religious trial because of his opinion of heliocentric theory.

In fact, he was suspected as a being of heretical, also suffered from the pressure by Vatican. As a result, most of his research on astronomy was treated as banned books, and he had to delay the presenting of his founding.
Was that an agony of genius who foreheaded the times?

Actually his research method was adventurous, and shocking at that time.
As I mentioned before, he was the father of experimental physics.
Galileo Galilei wasn't based on Aristotle's theory, which was dominant at that time, unlike any other schoolmen.
Instead, he was interested in the seal and the arts of master artisans.
And through his experiment he brought life in the new study.

His experimental spirit was greatly influenced by his father.
 Vincenzo Galilei, who was music theoretician and a player, tried to prove the relationship between the structure of musical instruments and the mathematics.
Therefore he did constant experiments with his experiment of music, the scores and the mathematics.

It was the well-known non-linearity in physics, which means, sounds could be different on the tight string in the condition of tension's square root.
Such theory was well-known for the manufacturer of the musical instruments.
Also the fact that, if the string are divided by the number in the holes, it could make harmony, is based on the music theory of Pythagoreans  

The theory, which was found in relation between the music, based on the former limited mathematics, and the physics, directly influenced on Galileo Galilei.
Galileo Galilei's mathematical analysis was the development of natural philosophy
from the scholars at the age.

As we saw much larger prospect, however, it was the beginning of the division between religion and philosophy from Galileo Galilei to Newton.
Furthermore to the Descartes, the initial point of the human being's subjective thinking.

Music was the link which connected Galileo Galilei with Vincenzo.
Galileo Galilei definitely built mathematical basis and logical thinking by listening his father's music.
Like this kind of expansion of thinking, and intensive cognition go on from father to son and from teacher to students, even from generation to generation.

Now we are waiting for its ending, and how was it?
At this time, I talked about Newton and Galileo Galilei, who I mentioned the former episodes.
Plus, I added his father's experiment on music and mathematics.

Now we have a chance to listen to Vincenzo Galilei's music, which might be shared with his son, Galileo Galilei.
You should join us!
Thank you!

Vincenzo Galilei - Gagliarda Calliope - Lute - Luth

A Due Liuti : Duo tutti di fantasia, Vincenzo Galilei (1584)