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KIST Talk/사내직원기자

That man's music-Episode4 Sound and water

Hello, I' m a DJ My-Hyun Kim.
This is the forth time of having 'That man's music'.
The weather is changeable these days.
Before going out, make sure to wear a muffler not to catch a cold.
When I look at the frozen pond it makes me feel awfully cold.

I'd like to introduce the forth guest Chung Jae Shik research scientist
in Water Environment center.

He plays guitar and he is in the Worker's Band.
The very beginning to play the guitar is when he was a elementary schoolchild
because of his mother's recommendation.
Actually whenever I have an interview,
I think experiencing music since early year is a really big impact.

Fetus remember the sound and feel comfortable
when they listen to music through their mother.
How can the memories that can not be easly conscious remember these days?
Simply just through time?
I think 'water' is a link.
A flow of remembrance time resembles a format of water.

Think about water not a glass of water, but Lao-tzu's water.
Are there things that not water?
Person, land, society are water. Of course water is water.
Also pleasure and sadness are water.
In the same way old things and new things are all like water.

Think that idea seriously. Don't you agree about that?

All everyone is big or small drop of water.
Everybody is a different crystal like no one is same.
Like this water and person have many concomitant features.

 And from mow on I'll make a connection water, preson and music.
Let's find out how they are joined.
Changeable flow, emergence of new sound,
passed one and new one which is a well-mixed,
collision that frequently happened,
broken fragments, beauty of fragment...
These are common things between music, person and water.
Having something in common between them is really interesting like a simple life.

 Chung Jae Shik research scientist
who is today's guest add research through the connection; Water, music, person.

He observes features of water and process of transformation.
Is he work that area because he understands existence of 'water'?

When he plays a musical instrument or do something related it, it looks natural.
I think he feels comfortable when he plays his musical instrument
and when he absorbed in listening to music.
This is probably because music and water has flow in common.
A practiced skilled of observing, understanding,
imagining make him to concentrate the flow of music.

Are the research and musical performance can be a way
and purpose to understand his inside.
I can understand his love and closeness of research
and music From beginning to end.
I want to say to Chung Jae Shik research scientist
that Thank you very much for spending time with me despite of busy schedule.

And then would you care to hear recommended music?

YoungJoo Song Trio - Yellow Brick Road