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KIST Talk/사내직원기자

That man's music - Harmony

Hello, this is DJ, Mi Hyun Kim.

This is the second time of "That man's music."

I sometimes heard some cheers from people around me

that he/she read my articles. 

Everytime I heard of those good words from them,

I find myself a little bit shy and pleased at the same time.

Anyway, I'm truly thanks for your cheers! : )

As you know, this corner,

"That man's music" is about researchers of KIST,

and this time, I'll introduce Young-jun Kim from Bionics Center to you.

The keyword of his music is Harmony.

In fact, music is based on harmony.

And among those harmonies, with which part do you think that

music could be at its greatest point?

Recently "Choir" has attracted public attention,

so I wonder this word, "choir" would be pop up in your brain.

The definition of choir is "A group of people who sing together." 

So, what is the definition of the meaning of experience?

That meaning could be absorption into music,

sense of kinship and accomplishment from every piece of notes,

and the realization of the notion, that is everyone is the part of the whole.

Because recently we've reconsider harmony and concord as an important part, that means lot to us.










Since his childhood, he have a member of choir

and now he is the member of OB Choirs of Seoul National Univ. for a long period.

Recently the OB Choir won the Grand Prize in choir competition in Teabeak.

I give a very big hand to them who accomplished the great achievement in spite of their busy lives.






Furthermore, he is a member of not only "OB Choir of Seoul National Univ."

also a capella group, "Ingers" and Foreigner choir "Camarata Music Compan"

How awesome he is!

I think many people have an experience of choir at least one time.

It could be during the music class in school days,

choirs in churches, and some other people could have an experience

of singing with a classical guitar in his/her college days.



Having a short experience of singing in my childhood,

I have really good feelings thinking that time.

Among the notes, high and low, tension and flows of music,

I feel free of control myself among those things without efforts.

I had such feeling only once,

and I was pleasant and felt missing after the choir with my friends.

I felt those feelings, but that's how it is, isn't it?

Now I guess he has a long period of being a member of choir

because of those feelings.

Why don't we have the same emotions right now?




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